anne-louise ewen
Aim to proceed with a devil-may-care work ethic. Cheerful and reckless, painting is an active investigation. I must invent processes and re-discover painting for myself all the time, figuring it out as I go in a leap of faith, expecting to arrive at something I find personally and intimately beautiful. …I’m interested in art that makes me feel in love with the world. Artists have the ability and responsibility to nurture, challenge, and restore humanity to our best selves. Some have said that looking at my work makes them feel more free and I’d like to keep making that happen.
California-based artist Anne-Louise Ewen paints vivacious gestural works that emphasize brush work, color, and above all, freedom. Her work includes paintings, monotype prints, drawings, sculpture, ceramics, and books. Ewen began learning the fundamentals of drawing with charcoal between second and third grade from one of her first art mentors, a formative experience which established visual art as a core element of her life. She later attended the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts (a magnet boarding school) concentrating on a curriculum of fine art before spending two years studying figure drawing, printmaking, and painting in Paris, France. In her college years, she made art, studied philosophy, and founded The Donaldsonville Art Colony, a brief but influential collective of painters, writers, musicians, and filmmakers, an experience she drew from years later when she launched an independent art gallery in Orange County, California in 2007. In 2020 she left Los Angeles for Joshua Tree, California, a small arts community in the Mojave Desert where you can find her painting and taking long drives through the national park.