Scott Csoke
When I became comfortable with my sexuality, I felt relief. I believed that I had become part of a community that would further nourish me as a person and an artist. However, as time went on, I began to recognize the many layers of the gay community. I never expected to feel guilt and criticism from those with whom I perceived to have so much in common. When I started to take my art practice seriously, I felt struggles in the world of art, similar to those I felt in the gay community. While criticism is an essential part to an art practice, what one makes work about and how one executes that work is under intense scrutiny. The distinction between one's authentic self and one's reputed self can become unclear in both communities.
Scott Csoke (b. 1993 Rockville, MD) received their BFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. They have worked with Anthropologie, Christian Cowan, LAZOSCHMIDL, The Greenbrier, and more. Antiques, dogs, and pink gingham are their constant source of inspiration. Painting is their way of teaching the viewer about the ever-changing mystery of queerness.